My Boxer puppy
AKC Boxer Puppies $1400 for pet, tax included.

Hello Jim and Kathy!
We wanted to give you an update on Reagan! He is sitting in my lap on the living room floor as I type, probably wondering why he isn't getting all of the attention at the moment. :) We have really enjoyed having him! He seems to be coming into his own, becoming a bit more daring and curious every day. He was able to conquer the entire steep flight of stairs by the front door on his own last night! Doing okay with the idea of potty training, some days have been better than others. He didn't seem to have much of an appetite the first day or so, probably because he was depressed. He still gets very easily distracted while eating, but finishes each of his meals in a few small spurts. At night we have him in his kennel near our bed with his blanket and teddy from puppy country. Each night has been more and more restful for us, last night we only had to get up and lay on the floor by his kennel once due to crying. :) We've been letting him out once in the middle of the night, and that seems to be going well. I attached a few pictures of him for you guys. Thanks again for everything, we already love him so much!
Danielle & Brandon

Hello Jim and Kathy-
We got our (now 8 month old) flashy brindle boxer, Reagan from you guys back in November, (He was boy #3 in Rocky and Taylor's litter. I believe you put some of the last pictures I sent on page 16 of your gallery). :)
Anyways, I hope all is well at puppy country! I thought I would send a few additional photos of Reagan- boy has he grown! He brings so much joy to our lives. He loves walks, fetch, playing with ALL other dogs, and cats...We attribute the cat part to growing up among them at puppy country! According to his daycare he has found a "pack" of other boxers who "match his energy level" to play with the day or two a week he gets to go to daycare. We are in dog obedience with him now and are working on his obedience off leash in the yard. He's a very smart, playful boy!
Thanks again for giving him such a great start! :)

Hi, just wanted to send you guys a picture of duke at a year old... thank you so much for such an awesome dog. He is so well tempered and friendly and he is getting so big, his chest is really starting to muscle up. When people that have never been here before see him standing at the top of the stairs looking down on them they get nervous and ask ummm... is your dog friendly cuz he looks very intimidating... i just laugh and say well he might give you a welcome hug and kiss but other than that hes harmless... haha. Thank you so much again we absolutely love him!

Dear James and Kathy
I have been wanting to send you some pictures and let you know that we absolutely love Daisy Mae. She has brought so much joy and laughter into our house.
She has quite the personality. I think she may take after her grandmother Sassy because when we try to correct her behavior she barks at us! Then we can't keep a straight face and crack up.
Her best friend is Pearl the goat. They play tag and butt each other in the head throughout the day! The horses have also taken to her as they allow her to lead them around the yard!!!
She also loves our little grand daughter Faith and looks forward to her weekly visits.
When she comes in from outside, she takes a nap in the recliner until she is rested and raring to go again.
We love her and thank you for her.
May you have a Blessed and Happy New Year
Dave and Jody Freeman

Hi Jim and Kathy! Just thought I would give you an update on Bella. She just turned 8 on January 19th. Her parents are Buster and Baily. She is doing great and just gets sweeter with age. She gets a burg bday party every year with balloons, steamers, cake, presents, etc. during the summer she loves her walks around the lake and knows that we stop for ice cream afterwards. I couldn't imagine life without my sweet girl and want to say thank you for raising such wonderful puppies. I'm sending a few pictures.
Best wishes, Kelly

Here are some pictures of the greatest snuggler on the earth! This is Duke! It has been 1 week since we brought this bundle of joy home! He is so well behaved and has been the greatest gift ever!
He certainly hasn't taken long to fit it! I call him the 10 minute pup, for first couple days he'd take about 10 minutes before hed be comfortable with new things, but his confidence is raising each day so its even less time now!
We will be sure to continue to send you pictures as he grows! Thank you so much! He truly is amazing and we love him to death!!
Take care!
Bri, Jason, and Duke

She is doing fine. She has 2 brothers Jax ( redbone coonhound) and Buster. (puggle. Half pug half beagle). She has the best personality and is very mischievous. She also lives with 5 children who love her very much. She sleeps in our bed everynight and is only kenneled while we are at work. I have attached some photos.

Bella is doing amazing and is such a joy to our family.. we love her so much..2014