My Boxer puppy
AKC Boxer Puppies $1400 for pet, tax included.

Layla is 4.5 months old. I hope these pictures come through of her. All but one was taken this week. She is such a good girl. She finished Obedience I class and is signed up for the next one. She loves to learn and does it quickly. She has started taking more walks now that it is warming up. She still rings a bell to go out potty and now that it is warmer rings it a lot so she can run in the big fenced in backyard. Our neighbors behind us have a terrior so she plays with him through the fence. She is such a cuddler and still such a mellow girl. We love her! Amy and crew

My name is Brian Stene and I purchased a male Boxer from you in August of 2007. I just wanted you to know that he is an absolutely wonderful dog and I couldn't be happier with him. Attached is a photo of me and "Hank"

I had to send you this one she watched this squirrel for over 5 minutes never once trying to get it.
Marla is 6 months old and just wanted to let you know she is doing great I think she looks alot like her mom Sugar she gets along great with our welsh corgi. We go for a walk every day she does well on a leash. Mike and I love her very much. Thanks
Don't know how to do this so I will be sending pics last one was taken this week. Thanks again.

We bought a boxer from you guys just a little over 5 years ago. We named him Bumble Bee (after the transformer) and he's just the best. Here is a recent picture of him getting his nails clipped. Beverly

Hi! Oliver (honey and bowsers boy 4) is getting big fast! He's a pretty well behaved boy. He can sit, stay, shake and high five now. We love him, thank you!
Jeremy and Jen Russell

Oliver (honey and bowsers boy 4) just turned 2, here he is looking handsome on his birthday!!! He's such a good boy, he's our kiddo. Thanks so much!
Jen and Jeremy Russell

I wanted to update you on Luda from
Honey and Bowsers litter. She is doing great and so good with the kids! I have had people tell me that they have never seen a dog with a better temperament! We just love her!

Jim and Kathy,
I hope the Summer finds you both doing well! I am sending a pic of Bentley and my pug Phoebe. I caught them sleeping one Sunday morning.
One of my favorite pics! She is as big as his head! They are pretty attached. They have to be touching each other at night when they sleep. He
does not like it when she goes outside without him. He keeps an eye on her in the yard until she comes back in.
Well, we are now 7 months, almost 8, and 60 pounds. We are going to be a big boy but he is such a marshmallow! I so enjoy his personality.
He has been a good walking partner for me. We walk daily for an hour or more at night. There are not many places I go that he does not come
with. He does well in the truck. Keeps an eye on me all of the time. I take him to the patio at a little local bar I go to. He does very well. Likes
to watch the birds on the railings and when they take french fries.
I cannot tell you how many compliments I get on him. People stop me in their cars to look at him and ask me about him when we are walking.
He is quite striking!
Thought you would enjoy a little update.
Take Care!
Val and the pups

Good evening!
Hope Summer finds you well! I think it has finally stopped raining!
Just wanted to send you some new pics. I even put one of the pugs in here!
I have a '74 Mercedes Benz convertible that I just got fixed for the Summer.
As you can see, Bentley likes to sit in the back of it. I need to find some doggles
for him. He gets very serious when he gets in the car. A wave of sophistication comes
over him. Quite funny! He is doing awesome!
Take care and enjoy the pics!
Val and the Pups!

Just thought I would drop you a quick line and let you know we made it home just fine. The other dogs have made him feel very much included. They think he's great :-). Thank you for such excellent care of him! Very much impressed! Have a wonderful weekend.
Jess & Brian

Hi Jim and Kathy! It has been a long time since I have sent you an update. Oscar continues to fill out-about 85lbs and seems to be getting more muscle all the time. For being as big as he is, he really is a gentle giant. He "jokingly" will put our Boston's entire head in his mouth from time to time (because he knows that will get them to play....) but never, ever hurts them. Jax, our 2 year old son, can do just about anything to him, and is often part of a wrestling match with him (and always let's Jax win :-D). He is quite a comical pup! By the end of the day, I know I can usually find Oscar and Jax laying together in our bed watching a movie. They've become pretty good friends!
Jess & Brian

Hi Jim and Kathy! I haven't sent you any updates on Oscar for awhile, so I thought I'd send you some pictures. Oscar has filled out to a meaty 100 lbs and is in prime condition He is still as gentle as ever, and continues to be a steady guardian of our two boys, Jax and Jase. He enjoys watching cartoons with them, being anywhere we are, really. We couldn't ask for a better friend. Hope this finds you both well in the New Year!
Jess Bak and Brian Horgeshimer

Hello! Just thought you might want a few updates pictures of Millee. She is now a little over 7-months! She still looks small, but she is 50lbs!
She has been a wonderful pup :) There is always something going on!
Take care.
We just wanted to give you an update on Millee! She turned 1 today and is doing great! We actually moved to Oregon! She is mischievous as ever but an extremely loving young girl. Here is a picture of her and her brother at a college softball field enjoying a sunny day and a picture collage of some of our favorites of her!
We hope all is well with you both!
Betsy Westermann, Erica Rush, Millee & Moh

Toby, the fawn, 10/15/11 Maggie & Spud and Tiggy, 11/9/12, Roxy & Spud. These boys are sweet, kind, intelligent and very loving and always entertaining! Thanks for doing such a great job breeding Boxers

Hello Jim and Kathy,
Lillian Lee (Holly and Rocky's girl #4 born June 15, 2013) is doing great! She is such an amazing dog with great health and disposition. Lilly and our other boxer, Reilly, are the best of friends. Lilly follows Reilly wherever she goes! Potty training was easy and she has already graduated with flying colors from puppy kindergarden.
Thank you very much for raising wonderful puppies. We appreciate you and love our new family addition.
All the best, Matt & Athena Dattilo