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Jim & Kathy, 

       We got a puppy from you guys in December.  Our puppy was out of the litter of Buster and Pippi, born on October 10th, 2004.  We are Jenny and Jeremy Popp from Wisconsin.  We apologize for not sending any pictures sooner but we never even thought of it until we went on your website to see if you had any more puppies.  We just want to let you know that "Duke" is the best dog ever!!  We know that you have heard that a lot but it is very true.  We never knew what this puppy would bring into our lives!!  What a personality he has!!  When we were reading other peoples emails it was like they were talking about our dog, it was pretty cool to see how much these Boxers really are alike.  We have now said we will never be without another Boxer ever again.  Duke has done extremely well even from day one.  In January, we enrolled in puppy class and we are currently in "doggy high school."   Duke has done phenomenal in these classes and has come a long way. Not without some patience, hard work , and consistency on our part, but we really love every bit of it.  We don't want to keep repeating what some many others have said about their Boxer but it is absolutely amazing.  Duke knows who to rough house with, when to cuddle, when to be gentle, when to be mellow, and when someone needs a good laugh.  Duke is now a little over six months.  He currently is about 53 lbs. and 23 in. and still growing like a weed.   Thank you again for bringing  wonderful Boxer into our life.  We will keep in better touch this time.


Hi ! It's Rachel, I just wanted to send you some updated pictures of the puppy! He has been named Axl.
and has found himself at home since the day he arrived. He is doing great with our golden retriever Sadie.
I am in love with my puppy and could not thank you enough for everything you've done. Here are some
pictures, he's gotten bigger already! Rachel Potter, proud owner of "axl" Buddy and Zoe's boy.


Hi Jim and Kathy, This is Rick writing this email. Well the first week has gone by and we forgot how much work a puppy really is. He is fitting in very well, we love the little guy allready and are finding out how smart he really is. It seems, as you said they are pretty much house broken by the time they go home. We have only had a couple of accidents in the house and he knows right where his spot is on the lawn to do his stuff. Thought we would provide a couple of shots of him on his first week.  Have a great Sunday and upcoming week.  

Jim, here is one of the more recent pictures of Thor in our front yard.  We are going to be in Nevis again this weekend.


                                                                      Thor is a great dog!!!!


Heres a picture of the family, We named her Bella, From Terri and James in Oklahoma. i must say, she is the best well tempered dog I've had. thank you for such a great addition to the family. Here she is in her halloween costume, as a clown. Thanks again so much, she is such a great dog. 


I just wanted to send you a picture of my dog Bennett. It has been a little over a year since I picked her up from you guys. Her parents are Buster and Pippi. I want to let you know she is the best dog I have ever had. She is very loved. Thank you very much! 

Hi Jim and Kathy-  We bought our puppy from you last April and we could not 
be happier that we came home with Nixon.  He is just the sweetest puppy 
ever!  We fell in love with Nixon right away and not long after decided that 
Nixon needed a sister.  There were no more puppies available at your kennel 
but we were able to track down another sweet boxer puppy and we named her 
Daisy May.  The two are inseparable and we could not imagine our lives 
without them.  They are so funny and are spoiled by both sets of 
grandparents with plenty of toys and bones.  Nixon loves stuffed animals and 
sleeping on his back.  He also loves his daddy's power tools and taking 
flying leaps off of the porch.  Daisy loves to snuggle and bark while she 
plays.  She also loves to steal Nixon's stuffed animals and to chase the 
cat.    We love the puppies so much and they are growing very fast!  Thank 
you for bringing such wonderful animals into the world and selling them to 
families!  Thanks!  Ryan and Janelle Menzel


I wanted to share a few pictures of our Cosmo, whom we received from you in the spring of 2003.  I believe his mommy and daddy are Buddy and Jasmine.  Cosmo has been such a blessing to us in so many ways; he is a constant companion to our three children, two of them with autism, and also to my husband and me.  He rides in the car every morning to take the kids to school, and he waits by the door when they are about to come home.  He barks in the middle of the night if the children get out of their beds (which happen frequently with busy autistic kids), and he stands guard by the fence gate when they are out playing.  He became a mother to two little kittens we adopted and as you can see from one of the pictures, they are still very close, sleeping together and eating together every day.  When my husband is out of town, Cosmo patrols the house and the kids rooms several times a night.  He knows when the kids or the parents have had a bad day and nuzzles them and brings his favorite toys ( a stuffed orange kitty and a play duck).  When we are ready to get another dog, we are coming to you! 


Thank you again for our puppy 

The Quants


Hi Jim and Kathy 

Ozzy is finally settling in – he didn’t sleep much the first night but is snoring heavily now.  The boys really love him and he seems to love them too… or should I say he tolerates them.  We weighed him when we got home – he seemed to be much bigger than the 45 lbs. you had thought.  He weighed in at 68.5 lbs. at 6 ½ months and I don’t think he’s done yet.  We will keep you updated with pictures.


Merry Christmas,


Jeremy, Amber, Alex and Jackson Mertes

Barnesville, MN


Deposit of $100 only After you send a deposit, please e-mail us for our files.

You can click on the Buy Now button, but only pay $100

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button One year written health guarantee.Parents on site.We have been selling AKC boxer puppies for 30 years. You are more than welcome to come and meet them. Akeley, Mn. 218-652-4633 my boxer puppy we send along an adoption bag with , AKC papers, their medical records, all shots and dewormings will be up to date, a vet check, an informational packet about Nu-Vet vitamins, a toy, a blanket and a sample pack of food. They cannot leave here until they are 8 weeks old and eating hard dog food really well.

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